Tuesday, February 12, 2008


hidden behind closed doors
like a drug youre happy for now but later
it haunts you
what do you do?keep it hidden? stay temporaily happy?
at what cost?what if the supply runs out what if it cant be hidden no more

I dont really no why i wrote this it kind of deppresing it was suppose to be a haiku but as you can see that didnt work out=) its not finished and its kinda dumb i dont even understand it i just started writing hpefully i can find the meaning=)


Blogger Ms Kemp said...

Sometimes, the best poems can't easily be figured out. Obviously this came from somewhere deep in your subconscious so they are valid emotions. Confusion is such a natural thing at any age and you're asking questions that haunt us all. I have my own interpretation of what this reminds me of but we'll talk more on that later.

In the meantime, keep writing. I love the direction in which you're taking your blogging.

What happened to the "Quote for the Day?"

February 16, 2008 at 7:03 PM  

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