Saturday, February 2, 2008

my saturday

My Bed is Like a Sailing Ship

My bed is like a sailing ship- when I'm tucked in, I take a trip. I leave behind my busy day and sail to places far away.
I sail past beaches, gleaming white, with palm trees swaying in the night. I watch the waves break on the shore, and then I see my bedroom floor!
I blink my eyes, I scratch my head- my ship is home, I'm back in bed. My ships goes sailing every night and sails home in the morning light

i love this poem its freakin awesome

Omg this saturday i wokeup at 10 in the morning to noise.My aunt came over with her 2 year old son my other aunt came with her new born baby and my neighbor came with her son and daughter asking can i babysit her kids.Of course i said yes thinking that i would get some help from my sisters(yeah that didnt work out)omg those kids are sycho i thought i was gonna lose my damn mind.Finnaly everyone went home (YES) and i still cant sleep damn!


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